Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hectic weekend

There are times that things just don't go as planned,  this is one of those weeks, first the paying job has been a challenge, had to work out of town most of the week, so things didn't get done like normal.  I am waiting for product that is needed by customers, some of it needed real soon, but nothing delivered as of Friday.  Hope for certain it comes Monday, or will have a number of unhappy people to deal with. Very important unhappy people. Have my son and grandson here this weekend, found out they were coming at the first of the week, and we had already agreed to have two of my younger grandchildren for the weekend as their parents and older sisters were at a weekend softball tournament.  To top that off, my wife has been not feeling good for a few days and is really tired, so the  added people has helped that situation at all.  We also have a special service at church this week that we have been planning for a number of weeks that involves both of us, but now with one grandchild acting sickly, looks like my wife may miss the whole thing if he gets sick.  Great!!.  She still has a dessert to make for a dinner on Sunday that we are invited to, I think she has to make something for about 60 people, and it looks like all the world that we won't get to it because of all the things going on.  She and I guess really, we didn't needed all of this on this weekend especially, but you feel guilty in telling your children no you can't come, or that it will not be best this weekend.  So you tuff it out and change your plans to accommodate them.  I still have several things to finish for this weekend, but should be able to do it this afternoon,  hope that my wife can at least see the DVD of the special before hand, as my guess is that she won't get to see it tomorrow.  Right now, I think I should stop this post and go mow the lawn or something as I keep getting more angry the more I think about this.   Maybe should change the title to Hell weekend.  Nah,keep it what it is.   When your children at little and at home, your life tends to revolve around them, but I never realized how when they get older and you see them less, that when they choose to involve you, you change your plans for them.   Not sure if we do that because we want to, or from a sense of guilt that maybe you didn't do enough when they were home, so you feel you owe them to makeup for it now.   I find that the thing that will set me off more than anything is when I feel or sense that my wife is suffering or hurting from something or someone.   I think right now, she feels that to be a good grandma, she needs to do what is asked, even if she isn't up to it.  She will tell me no I can't do that, or that it will not work for her right now, and I have learned to sense her physical and mental state before asking her to do something.  But for some people who do not see or talk with her that often, they don't know or sense that, and she is not someone who will tell them no I can't do that.  I have found that it is best if I say no you can't and take the heat for the decision.  So, I think I dropped the ball on this one this time.  Feel like calling it in and saying, they ALL need to go home.  I think one of the things is the fact that our granddaughter has been living with us, and after 7 years of empty nest, having a teenager again his been harder than either of us expected.  Since to my knowledge, only one of my children even know about this blog, and that one lives 12 hours away and has no kids yet, know that they will not see this and won't feel guilty or mad at me for saying it.  Anyway,  FD is going, and that is about all I can say.  My training officer has told me that is interest is waning, think that might be a sign that he wants out of the job.  Time will tell.  They started on the station this week, hopefully will finish by Monday or Tuesday.  The place will then need a good work bee cleaning.  My guess is that the same 4-6 will show up.  Had a fire call the other night, turned out to be a light ballast, but what bothers me more is that only 6 of our firefighters bothered to get out of bed.  Mutual aid rolled three trucks and 9 firefighters.  Our department, one truck, that's it.  At times, I think now after 41 plus years, it maybe time to step back and punt.    Well the lawn awaits,  I hate mowing the lawn almost as much as I hate anything. 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Busy two weeks

Well it has been awhile since I posted and a lot has happened.  Attended the services for my friend, and rejoiced with his family on his home going.  His life was best summed up as one that brought honor and glory to God, one that valued and enjoyed his many friendships, and one that expressed great love for his family.  Mark, I will miss you greatly.  My firefighter has chosen to appeal the action taken in regard to his actions, so we are in a holding pattern until the fire command board meets.  I have a number of things that I need do before the meeting to have all of our ducks in a row so to speak.  We have training this week Monday, and are going to the new housing development to check it out.  I already know that we have an access problem in that what was suppose to be the emergency access, is now a walkway that takes a very hard 90 degree turn and runs right into a fire hydrant.  There is no way you will ever get a truck up that access in an emergency.   There is one way in and that will most likely be blocked with equipment and people trying to get out of the complex if there is ever a fire in it.  By the time our mutual aid aerial will arrive, it will have almost no access to the complex, and certainly have very limited usefulness to us.  I sent them a letter before construction started, and no one listened.  Now I will send a letter, telling them what will happen if they have a fire, and how our ability to cope has been severely restricted.    Had training and truck check last week, a third our my group was missing, so I had the three newest firefighters we have.  Had a good drivers training session, checked all the equipment, did some PR, and got cookies and ice cream.   I really like working with small groups of firefighters more so than larger ones.  Single company size.   The new format is working, though I think some groups are not taking full advantage of the opportunities.  Approached the fire board about giving the old 1980 truck away.  That isn't flying to good, they seem to want to sell it.  I think more because of what they think people will say if they give it away.  Not sure where this will go, but I think if the department that wants it, could pay even a little bit for it, they could get it.  Today was father's day.  My ex-daughter in law and her husband took my wife and I out for dinner on Saturday along with my two oldest grandsons.  Had a nice time,  her husband has adopted my grandson, and has been a great dad to him.  He is also on the fire department with me, and I hope some day becomes one of my officers.  He is very insightful and also very good at looking at a situation and seeing the problems and the solutions.  Got phone calls from 4 of the other 5 today, and the youngest daughter wished my happy fathers day at church this morning.  Wife took me out for dinner and ice cream tonight, so even though I only saw one kid, and that was for all of 30 seconds, did here from them.  Had a nice visit with two of my granddaughters and one grandson also today. On Tuesday of last week had a meeting with the EPA, as they have started to do something about the metal finishing shop that closed  up just down the street from our station, than a meeting in Grand Haven with the board for the WMRFTC. This is the board that guides and oversees the regional fire training center and its programs.  Then headed for GR, and stopped to pickup some parts for the department, and than on to the uniform company to order some.  As I was leaving there, GRFD went by on their way to a multiple alarm church fire.  Had a chance to watch them in action, and learned a few things from them, and also saw they have some of the same challenges that we have.  Learn one thing,  if and when we get an aerial, it will need to be at least 95'.  The 75' that was on the scene of that fire would have been of little value on that size of a building.  Soo, I'm back looking at used Sutphens.   Dinner that evening was with some old high school classmates, the group is getting slowly bigger, not sure I will make it every month, but a few times a year will be good. Busy week, besides fire meeting, have a meeting with FEMA on Wednesday in regard to grant writing, church board meeting on Thursday and an out of town business trip for Tuesday- Thursday.  Still need the day job so to speak.  Also, need to get ready for Sunday, as that will be a very special day.  We are recognizing and honoring a couple of missionaries from our church who 25 years ago suffered a tragic accident that force them off the field.  Their youngest son is my son-in-law, and I have know them both for almost 42 years.  The wife was our baby sitter for our oldest kids, and they are special to both my wife and I.  My daughter is having a family dinner for them, the one married to their son, on Sunday.  She invited us, but I don't feel right going. It is for the families of both of them, and my only connection is that my daughter married into the family.  I feel she is inviting us out of a sense of obligation.   Don't think I go.  Thoughts are with the Munice Fire Department and the DuQuoin Fire Department,  on the lost of their firefighters.  My prayers are for the two widows and the four kids who lost a father so close to fathers day.  For both, some years father's day will fall on the date there husband and father died.  We have found no new ways to kill firefighters.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Promotion of a friend

It has been an eventful few days around here.  Some good, some not so good, and a few tragic.  I received a email this evening, that a friend of mine from my so called day job had passed away this early afternoon.  He had been fighting cancer for a number of years, and had recently taken time away to fight the disease.  I knew he was in a hard fight, and that the odds were not good, but this came very sudden.  Over the 23 years I have known him, we have roomed together more than a few times on business trips.  Our value systems were very much alike, and our conversations ranged from " help find a part for my fire truck, to cows, customers, and many  long and details talks on various spiritual subjects.  He had NO doubt as to were he would be 30 seconds after he passed away,  and took great comfort in knowing that his Saviour had complete control of the problem.  I know that my life here on earth has been greatly enriched with the time we spent together, the conversations we had, and the fun we also had a few times.  He always would refer to himself as the "bald Dutchman".  Today, he was promoted to Glory, and the pain is gone.  May God comfort his wife, daughters and friends.   Will miss you greatly my Friend  

Had the unpleasant duty of meeting with our executive board to bring a charge against one of our firefighters. The board also heard from him as to way the things had happened and why they had progressed to the point of a disciplinary hearing.   After much discussion, reasoning, and compromises, it was decided to suspend him for 6 months, and than have him serve a 6 month probationary period.  This was to be coupled with a loss of seniority in the department.  I need to now pass this on to the Fire District Board for their approval.   Doubt they will change anything, but the final decision really rests with them,  They can modify, lessen or stiffen the action of the executive board.   Not sure a suspension and demotion will help,  I think this persons mind set is what needs to be changed.  But he see no problem with himself, it is those around him that are causing the problem.  

Hopefully we have the problems that we have been having with our Hurst Tools solved.  Moved the power unit to a more accessible place and changes some plumbing to solve the problem.   Also, got a new portable power unit for the tools.  They still haven't worked on the station wall, been almost a month with nothing done, check that nothing started, let alone done.  Have a lot of loose admin ends to tie-up this week before board meeting.  That plus a funeral to attend sometime middle of the week makes the coming next few days rather busy.